Powering Strong Communities

Code of Conduct for American Public Power Association Meetings

The American Public Power Association (“APPA” or “Association”) is committed to providing a safe, productive, and harassment-free environment at its conferences, meetings, trainings, and other APPA-sponsored events, both in-person and virtual, including in discussions on any APPA-sponsored online forum, course, or webinar and participation in APPA Academy activities (“Events”). Participation in such Events, whether as an attendee, exhibitor, certificate student, Association staff member, or other participant, should be a positive, productive, welcoming, and safe experience. APPA holds these events to enable members and others in the community-owned utilities industry to come together to learn about and discuss the latest trends and issues, and to promote professional development and networking opportunities.

APPA meetings also allow attendees to enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual respect. APPA promotes equal opportunities and treatment for all participants. All participants are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, display personal and professional integrity, follow venue rules, and alert staff or security of any dangerous situations, violations of this Code of Conduct, or of anyone in distress. This applies to all APPA events, including in-person meetings, engaging in volunteer activities, virtual meetings, and online webinars and trainings.

Expected behavior at all times:

  • Be considerate and respectful of others;
  • Be fair and honest and act in good faith;
  • Be aware of how language and images may be perceived by others, even if not so intended;
  • Follow the rules of the venue of the meeting;
  • Do not abuse alcohol or drugs; and
  • Abide by all state and federal laws which prohibit the exchange of information among competitors regarding price, refusals to deal, markets division, tying relationships and other topics which might infringe upon antitrust laws and regulations.

Unacceptable Behavior

APPA prohibits any form of harassment, sexual or otherwise. Accordingly, some behaviors are specifically prohibited, whether directed at other attendees, APPA staff, speakers, exhibitors, event venue staff, or other participants in any APPA-sponsored in-person or virtual event:

  • Verbal or physical harassment or discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, ethnicity, national origin, or other protected status.
  • Sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), unsolicited and unwelcome physical contact, and use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides and in social media).
  • Yelling at, threatening, or personally insulting speakers (verbally or physically), use of violence, or engaging in sustained disruption of talks or other events.
  • Engaging in threatening or abusive communications with APPA staff or volunteers.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Bringing or possessing a firearm at APPA Events.

Participants asked to stop engaging in hostile or harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.  

All who register to participate, attend, speak at, or exhibit at an APPA Event, and all participants in APPA committees, work groups, courses, or other APPA groups, agree to comply with this Code of Conduct. The conduct rules also apply to online, telephonic, email, and in-person interactions with APPA staff and volunteers.  

Anyone subject to or witnessing harassment or other violations of this Code of Conduct should report the violation immediately to APPA team members either in person or at legal@publicpower.org. APPA – or any Event participant – may involve event security and/or local law enforcement or other first responders, as appropriate based on the specific circumstances. Event attendees and participants must also cooperate with any APPA investigation into reports of a violation of this Code of Conduct by providing information requested by APPA that is relevant to the Association’s investigation.

At APPA conferences and other Events, participants often combine professional activities with social interaction with other participants, venue staff, and other attendees. While APPA encourages such networking and strengthening of connections between participants, APPA reserves the right to remove any participant whose social attentions become unwelcome to another and who persists in such attentions after their unwelcome nature has been communicated. APPA also reserves the right to remove any participant or attendee who appears inebriated and who engages in conduct that interferes with the ability of other attendees to participate in and enjoy the Event.

APPA may remove any individual from attendance or other participation in any APPA-sponsored Event, including removing the individual from participation in any non-Board committee or work group, without prior warning or refund based on complaints about violation of this Code of Conduct. If APPA, in its reasonable judgment, determines that an individual has violated this Code of Conduct, APPA may also prohibit the individual from attending or participating in future APPA Events or serving on Board committees or task forces, and may notify the individual’s employer of APPA’s finding of a violation; provided, however, that any barring of an individual from an official role with APPA will be imposed only in accordance with relevant APPA policies and Bylaws. APPA will also report on the outcome of any investigation to individuals who have reported a violation of this Code of Conduct.

*Approved by the APPA Board of Directors on February 25, 2024.