Powering Strong Communities
Community Engagement

Promoting Public Power

We encourage APPA members to use these resources to educate their communities about the benefits of public power. Download and customize them to fit your needs. 


Public Power: Powering Strong Communities

Affordable. Reliable. Community-focused. The story of Public Power deserves to be told and our award-winning video helps explain who we are and what we do. Public Power has been around for over 100 years and we have a bright future, continuing to lead, thrive, and meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Pride in Public Power

This entertaining animated presentation describes in less than one minute the benefits of public power and why public power communities should be proud of their utility.  You can customize this video with your own utility logo and brand.

"Pride in Public Power" social media reel (50 seconds): with APPA logo | no logo version

Social media reels featuring Monster Detective Collective: You Are Public Power (15 seconds) | Public Power Pride (15 seconds) | Public Power Pride (7 seconds)

Public Power: Building For the Future

This engaging one-minute animated presentation colorfully describes the benefits of public power and how public power utilities are helping their communities build for the future. You can customize this video with your own utility logo and brand.

Did You Know You Get Your Electricity From a Public Power Utility?


Resources by Topic

Electricity Basics

Understanding Public Power

Bills and Rates

Distributed Energy Resources

Outages and Restoration


Energy Efficiency

Grid Modernization


Communications Plan Template

Take a look at this annual communications plan template for a public power utility. Whether you're just starting down the road to better communications with your customers or looking to boost your efforts, you may find some ideas. Members may download this plan, customize it, and use it as needed.

Public Power Week Resources

Public power utilities across the U.S. celebrate Public Power Week the first full week of October every year to help customers and stakeholders understand how they can better engage with their community-owned utility and benefit from all its offerings. American Public Power Association member utilities can use the sample resources and templates to spread the word and help celebrate in your communities.

Resources are updated annually July-September. Our 2024 Public Power Week resources are available below for you to update, customize, and use to promote public power all year long.

Additional Resources