Powering Strong Communities

Customer Service Management Certificate


Struggling to keep up with changing customer preferences and new technologies? Get up to speed with the Academy’s Customer Service Management Certificate program. 

In-person classes are held once a year, at one of our education institutes (winter, spring or fall). The next offering will be in conjunction with our [insert Institute name, dates, location].

The Customer Service Management Certificate program comprises five required courses on customer service operations, technologies, strategies, and leadership. After completing these courses, you must pass an online exam and submit a service department assessment/business plan.

The required courses are offered at an Academy Education Institute once a year.

Or, we can bring the courses to your location at any time — a convenient and cost-effective option for groups of eight or more. You can customize course content to meet organizational goals. You can also partner with neighboring public power utilities, state and regional associations, or joint action agencies to bring the training to your area. This is ideal for utilities with travel restrictions or joint action agencies looking for training options for members. For more information on in-house options, contact EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.

Who Should Attend

  • Customer service reps, managers, & supervisors
  • Utility managers with cross-departmental responsibilities
  • Senior executives
  • Board/council members


To earn the Customer Service Management Certificate, you must complete five courses and may take them at Education Institute or at different times. The required courses are

  • Electric utility industry overview (participants who can demonstrate advanced industry knowledge, through work experience or coursework, may opt out of this course)
  • Strategies for successful customer service operations
  • Utility collections: The complete process
  • Technology: From distribution to meter reading and customer information systems
  • Modeling customer service in your leadership style

Within one year of attending the last required course, you must

  • Pass an online exam: The online exam, made up of 75 multiple choice questions, will assess comprehension of the five required courses. You can take the exam at your convenience, after finishing the coursework requirement. You must score at least 75% to pass the exam. You have two opportunities to pass the test — thereafter a $50 fee is required to retake the exam.
  • Submit a plan for a customer service department assessment or service improvement project: The project must focus on evaluating and improving your customer service culture and operations. You can choose one of four provided topics or submit your own topic for instructor approval. You’ll receive plan guidelines for what is expected in each section.


Steve VanderMeer, Senior Vice President, Planning and Marketing, Hometown Connections

Steve has been with Hometown Connections for 20 years, providing consulting, training, and facilitation to public power utilities and their governing boards. He has worked with municipal governments and non-profit organizations on strategic planning, governance, organizational assessments, public participation, market research, and customer service. He has authored APPA’s Customer Service: Building a Strong Infrastructure for Your Utility. 

Pat Corrigan, Principal, Katama Technologies

Pat has more than 35 years of utility industry experience, including 10 years in public power. He has worked with businesses offering advanced metering infrastructure, mobile device management, outage management, transmission and distribution equipment, distribution automation, demand side management, energy management, and electric/water/and gas metering. He has helped corporations with enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, web services, and new technology investments. 



Register by [insert early reg date]

  • $ 2,200 - Association Members
  • $4,400 - Nonmembers

Register by [insert late reg date]

  • $2,450 - Association Members
  • $4,650 - Nonmembers

The fee includes the five courses, study material, exam, and post-course project grading.

Sign up for Customer Service Management Certificate Program courses at the [insert Institute name and hyperlink].