Powering Strong Communities

eSafety Tracker

The eSafety Tracker can help utilities document and analyze safety-related events: meetings, job briefings, injuries, near-misses, and investigation reports.


The APPA eSafety Tracker powered by ESAMS is a one-stop shop for safety training, inspection, and incident reporting programs, with a mobile app to access key features remotely and offline. Subscriptions are available for purchase in our product store. Watch our short eSafety Tracker training videos to learn more about the product and its user roles.

“Being able to look at tailgate meetings, safety meetings, and all incident types for each of our utilities in one program streamlines our process, including reporting by automatically creating graphs and charts based on supervisors’ submitted data.”

— Lafayette Utilities System, Louisiana

Developed by HGW & Associates LLC with input from public power safety professionals, this new tool places information at your fingertips and lets you:

  • Search the APPA Safety Manual online
  • Assign & track all utility training programs
  • Access APPA’s SafetySmart videos
  • Record & track job safety briefs remotely
  • Report & track incidents
  • Complete & track inspections
  • Upload utility-specific content
  • Use dashboards and analytical data to track safety trends
  • Access key features via a mobile app

As a bonus, your subscription to the APPA eSafety Tracker earns your utility points toward APPA’s prestigious Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation.

“The eSafety Tracker is a versatile tool that can be adapted for use by large and small utilities to enhance their job training and safety programs.”

Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association

Webinar Series 

Interested in learning more? Check out our eSafety Tracker Monthly Webinars to discover how this tool will make your employees safer.

Register for the January 29, 2025 webinar, 2:00-3:00 PM EST.

These webinars focus on specific eST features and include time for Q&A. Registrants receive access to the recordings and slides from all webinars in the series for future reference.

Past Webinar Recordings

  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (2-3 p.m. ET)
    eSafety Tracker Overview, APPA Safety Manual, and Utility-Specific Documents (Watch Recording)
  • Thursday, July 25, 2024 (2-3 p.m. ET)
    Mobile App, Job Safety Briefings, Training, and Crew Inspections (Watch Recording)
  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 (2-3 p.m. ET)
    Incident Reporting and Safety Meetings (Watch Recording
  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024 (2-3 p.m. ET)
    New eSafety Tracker Features Coming this Fall, Part 1 (Watch Recording)
  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024 (2-3 p.m. ET)
    New eSafety Tracker Features Coming this Fall, Part 2 (Watch Recording)


Member: $55/person/year
Nonmember: $110/person/year

* A person is defined as anyone tracked in the system.

Within one business day of purchasing, you will receive login information from the HGW & Associations LLC team.

Purchase the APPA eSafety Tracker

View APPA eSafety Tracker FAQS (PDF)

View Comparison of Current and New eSafety Trackers (PDF) 

eSafety Tracker Users Group

Subscribers are encouraged to join the user group on the APPA Engage Platform by emailing eSafetyTracker@PublicPower.org. Participants will receive information on planned updates, get answers to questions, access training videos, and more.

eSafety Tracker Training Videos

There are four types of Users in the eSafety Tracker: Administrators, Supervisors, General Users, and Watchers. Each user type has different levels of access to the tracker’s various functions, based on their roles at a utility. 

Below are links to training videos for each user type. They include a brief overview video to help users get started on the tracker and navigate through its multiple features. Additional videos are provided on each of the tracker’s modules that include step-by-step summaries for how they can be used by utilities.


Administrators have the highest level of access within the eSafety Tracker. They can perform all duties within the tracker, including:

  • Completing incident investigations
  • Conducting job safety briefings
  • Assigning access levels and supervisors to other users
  • Creating new Users, provide credit for classroom training
  • Recording safety inspections

Training videos:


A Supervisor User can:

  • Assign training courses
  • Document crew inspections (Desktop and Mobile App)
  • Initiate incident reports
  • Track monthly safety meeting topics and attendance
  • Run and view reports
  • Customize their dashboard

Supervisors can only access and modify records related to employees that report to them.
This allows Supervisor Users to ensure their employees meet all requirements (i.e., training, job safety briefings, etc.) to perform assigned tasks. Supervisors also have access to all features assigned to a General User.

Training videos:

General Users

The eSafety Tracker was developed specifically for the tasks performed for the General User. They can:

  • View and search the APPA Safety Manual for critical information even when they lose connectivity in the field (Desktop and Mobile App)
  • Access company-specific policies and procedures, such as safety manuals, standards and specifications, guidance documents, forms, etc. (Desktop and Mobile App)
  • Take training courses dfeveloped by their utility and have access to a list of APPA training courses 
  • View reports regarding their personal training requirements including those that are due and upcoming
  • Document and update job safety briefings throughout the day as conditions change (Desktop and Mobile App)

Training videos:


Watchers have access to view any record created in the eSafety Tracker and run various summary / detailed reports. Their access is limited to “Read Only” and they cannot modify records. This user level is typically assigned to support roles within a utility so they can provide necessary tracking for Administrators and/or Supervisors. Watchers also have access to all features assigned to a General User.

Training videos:

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