Powering Strong Communities
Virtual Course

2023 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) Overview: Significant Changes for Public Power

Learn about the important changes that are effective in the 2023 NESC edition and their application to electric utilities.
February 8 - 9, 2023


Join us for a series of two virtual sessions—12:00-3:30 p.m. Eastern via Zoom—on February 8 and 9. There will be two ten-minute breaks during each session.

It’s a convenient way to attend the course, while still having the opportunity to interact with the instructor, your industry peers, and earn PDH credits. This course combines real-time presentation, group discussion, and Q&A sessions.

Course Overview

The 2023 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) was published in Aug. 2022 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and goes into effect on Feb. 1. The NESC is the national standard for safety in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of electric and communication systems.

Get up-to-speed on the important changes that are effective in the 2023 edition. Participate in discussions and Q&A around rule interpretations, compliance issues, and learn about sources for help.

Course Topics

  • High-level overview of the NESC and rule history
  • Significant revisions contained in the 2023 NESC (Sections 1-3 and 9; Parts 1-4)
    • Section 1: Introduction to NESC
    • Section 2: Definitions
    • Section 3: References
    • Section 9: Grounding Methods
    • Part 1: Electric Supply Stations
    • Part 2: Overhead and Communication Lines
    • Part 3: Underground Lines
    • Part 4: Rules for the Operation of Electric Lines
  • Rule interpretations, compliance issues, and sources of help

Recommended for

Public power utility staff, policymakers, Joint Action Agency and State Associations, and others who are responsible for safety or make decisions concerning electric transmission and distribution.

What to Bring

Participants are required to have a copy of the 2023 National Electrical Safety Code® (ANSI C2-2023) on hand to reference during the course. Electronic and hard copies can be purchased from IEEE (www.ieee.org; 800/701-4333). 

Course Level

Basic: No prerequisites; no advanced preparation.

Technology Requirements

  • Zoom Meeting Application: Attendees are required to have strong Internet access to run the Zoom meeting platform. Click here to learn more about downloading the Zoom Web Client.
  • Audio/Webcam: You will need to enable computer audio to listen and speak (alternatively a call-in number will be provided) and you will also need a webcam, so you can fully engage in the small group breakout session and group discussions.


The following continuing education credits will be provided after successfully completing 90% of both live sessions. These sessions will be recorded, though certificates can only be awarded to those who meet the attendance requirements for attending the live sessions (click here to review requirements).

Recommended CEUs .6/PDHs 6.4/CPEs 7.6 (for both sessions)
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge


brent mckinney headshot

Brent McKinney is an industry leader, working in technical and executive leadership positions in the electric utility industry for 35 years. Over the past 20 years, he has worked extensively with the NESC and is currently secretary of NESC Subcommittee 8 (Work Rules). He helped write the latest standard and the NESC Handbook. He also collaborates with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on many issues. He is currently chair of the arc flash committee for the NESC and has helped write every arc flash rule adopted by the NESC and the OSHA.

He began his career as an engineer at an electric cooperative then moved into public power, where he spent nearly 30 years working for City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri (retiring as the director of electric transmission and distribution). He received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and master’s degrees in electrical engineering and engineering management. 



Email: Registration@PublicPower.org


Email: EducationInfo@PublicPower.org

Register now!

Registration Fees

  • $575 for members
  • $1,150 for nonmembers

Not a member? Join today and save on your course registration. Call Member Services at 202-467-2926 to learn more.

Group Discounts

Save money on each registration when your organization registers five or more people. The larger your group, the more you save!

Your group discount will be automatically applied when you register a group of 5 or more people. Registrations must be submitted on the same order (at the same time) to qualify for the group discount; discounts cannot be retroactively applied to previous orders.

Number of registrants

(per person)












Registrants who cancel in writing on or before February 1, 2022, are entitled to a refund of their registration fee, minus a $50 cancellation fee. Registrants who cancel after February 1 will not receive a refund, but attendee substitutions will be allowed for this event only. Registrants and no-shows who do not cancel by February 1 are responsible for the full registration fee and are not entitled to a refund. Email your cancellation request to EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.


  • 24 hours after registering: You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registering, which contains some preliminary information.
  • 24 hours before: 
    • You’ll receive your Zoom login link the day before the first class (sent from the APPA Academy’s Zoom account <no-reply@zoom.us>)
    • You’ll also receive a final logistics email 24 hours in advance of the first class. 
  • If you don’t receive this correspondence, email EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.

Course Access and Materials

  • Zoom Links: Zoom log in credentials will be sent out 24 hours before the start of the first session.
  • Recordings: All sessions will be recorded and can be accessed through APPA’s document portal (within a week of the last class in the program), in case you can’t attend the live versions. Recordings will be accessible for 90 days after the last session. Note: Continuing education credits can only be issued for attending live sessions.



Email: Registration@PublicPower.org


Email: EducationInfo@PublicPower.org

Earn While You Learn!

Participate in virtual programs to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Professional Education credits (CPEs). This course is eligible for the following credits:

Recommended CEUs .6/PDHs 6.4/CPEs 7.6 (for both sessions)
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge

What educational credits are available?

You can earn the following kinds of continuing education credits for attending live sessions during this event—provided the following requirements are met:

Requirements for Successful Completion

  • Attendees are required to attend and participate in 90% of each live session and complete an online evaluation at the end.
  • Partial credit cannot be given for partial attendance
  • Attendance is monitored by an APPA staff member during the event, through an online report log, and upon review of the post-event evaluation data.
  • Completion certificates will available within two weeks of the last session in a live event (for those who meet the requirements). You’ll receive one certificate for the two sessions.
  • Virtual sessions are recorded (attendees automatically receive access to recordings within a week of the last session), though continuing education credits can only be given for attending live events. Recordings will be accessible for 90 days after the last session.

IACET logoContinuing Education Units (CEUs): The American Public Power Association is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. For information regarding certification status, attendance requirements and obtaining attendee transcripts, contact EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.

CPE logoContinuing Professional Education (CPE) Credits: The American Public Power Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org. Unless noted, there are no prerequisites for the courses offered and no advance preparation is required. Courses are group-internet based offerings at the basic program level (unless otherwise noted). Credit hours and areas of study for the courses are listed on the individual course pages. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as clarification of requirements, complaints, and refunds, please contact EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.

Professional Development Hours (PDHs): The American Public Power Association’s educational practices are consistent with the criteria for awarding Professional Development Hours (PDHs) as established by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Course eligibility and number of PDHs may vary by state.

Format and Log-In Information

This class will be offered on the Zoom meeting platform. Presented in two three-and-a-half-hour sessions, featuring real-time presentation, group discussion, and Q&A sessions.


  • 24 hours after registering: You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registering, which contains some preliminary information.
  • 24 hours before: 
    • You’ll receive your Zoom log in link the day before the first class (sent from the APPA Academy’s Zoom account <no-reply@zoom.us>)
    • You’ll also receive a final logistics email 24 hours in advance of the first class. 
  • If you don’t receive this correspondence, email EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.

New to Zoom?

If you haven't participated in a Zoom meeting before, please download the Zoom web client from the Zoom Download Center. This will enable you to access all of the Zoom tools and functionality vs. using the web version. Then, visit Zoom.us/test to ensure you are able to join a meeting. 

If you are not able to download the Zoom web client, you can still participate via your Internet browser. We recommend using Chrome for the best results. If you use your Internet browser, your functionality may be more limited (for example, you will only be able to see one video feed at a time), and you will need to create a Zoom account. (account creation is a free and straightforward process, but you will want to do this in advance so you do not miss any part of the meeting).

  • Internet access: You will need a strong Internet connection to run the Zoom meeting platform. 
  • Audio and webcam: You will need to enable computer audio to listen and speak (alternatively a call-in number will be provided) and you will need a webcam to fully engage in the small group breakout exercises and discussions. 

Privacy and Security

The American Public Power Association takes your privacy and security very seriously. For this reason, we have put the following security measures in place for this course:

  • A random Meeting ID
  • Password-protected
  • Enabled waiting room to screen meeting participants
  • Restricted screen sharing to hosts only

Code of Conduct

Participants agree to abide by the APPA Code of Conduct. If participants engage in unacceptable behavior as outlined in the code, the Association may take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to, expulsion from the current and future meetings, with no warning or refund.



Email: Registration@PublicPower.org


Email: EducationInfo@PublicPower.org