Powering Strong Communities

Smart Energy Provider Week

A national celebration to highlight the achievements and efforts of public power utilities in managing efficient, sustainable electric systems.
February 10 - 14, 2025

Event Info

Join utilities across the U.S. in celebrating the achievements and efforts of utilities with a Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation February 10-14, 2025. All week long, APPA and designees will highlight how utility programs in energy efficiency, sustainability, and other areas makes a positive impact on the community.


Which Utilities Are Smart Energy Providers?

The American Public Power Association’s Smart Energy Provider program recognizes utilities for demonstrating commitment to and accomplishment in smart energy program planning, energy efficiency and distributed energy resources, environmental and sustainability programs, and communication and customer experience. See where the  SEP-Designated utilities are across the country.


How Utilities Can Participate

SEP-designated utilities can access a toolkit with resources and templates to spread the word across social media and help display your achievements in your communities. Please contact APPA’s SEP team at SEP@PublicPower.org for a link to the SEP Week communication toolkit.

About the SEP Program

Learn more about the Smart Energy Provider program, including how to apply for the designation for your utility.