Powering Strong Communities

Workforce Resources

The American Public Power Association provides an array of resources for members to use in workforce development operations and decision making.

Reports and templates

Videos on careers in public power: professionals share a bit about what they do at their jobs.

The Public Power Mentoring Toolkit helps you develop a mentorship program at your utility. It includes a guide and templates for mentor and mentee interactions. You can also download a Microsoft Word file you can customize.

The annual Salary Survey Report presents salary information for 27 management positions and 24 non-management positions in public power by utility revenue class, customer size, and region. Only available for members to purchase.

Staying Competitive: Why Public Power Needs to Pay Equitably provides comparative salary information and suggests how you can communicate the need for competitive pay to governing bodies.

Preserving a Vibrant Public Power Workforce discusses how you can create a succession plan at your utility and provides tools to identify, evaluate, and mentor future successors at all levels.

How does your utility’s HR function measure up? The Checklist to Assess your Human Resource Functions provides an overview of best practices for your HR function to help you assess your effectiveness in five critical areas.

The 2015 Workforce Survey Summary Report highlights how public power is preparing for the anticipated retirement of a significant portion of its workforce.

Check out the resource pages - Sample Job Descriptions and Sample Human Resource Policies - prepared from the APPA Human Resources listserv question archives.

Engage and take action

Sign up for our Human Resources community group on APPA Engage to discuss issues with your colleagues.

Join the Public Power Women group on LinkedIn to network and grow your contacts.

Check out jobs in public power and post your openings.

Learn about funding and internship opportunities for students under our DEED program.