Powering Strong Communities

Nebraska Public Power District Board Approves Net-Zero Carbon Emissions Goal

Nebraska Public Power District’s (NPPD) Board of Directors on Dec. 13 approved a goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from generation resources by 2050.

In the process of developing this goal, NPPD worked with external consultants to explore potential scenarios for getting its generation mix to net-zero carbon emissions, garnered extensive feedback from wholesale customers, hosted five public information forums across the state, and received thousands of responses to a survey on the topic.

NPPD currently serves its Nebraska customers with roughly 65 percent carbon free energy resources, due in large part to the Cooper Nuclear Station, in addition to hydro, wind and solar generation.

NPPD provides energy to customers in 86 of Nebraska’s 93 counties, including more than 92,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in 79 Nebraska communities. NPPD also has wholesale power supply agreements with 38 municipalities and 23 rural public power districts and/or cooperatives.

More information and resources can be found at https://www.nppd.com/powering-nebraska/powering-our-future.

Other public power utilities in Nebraska have launched similar efforts.

Omaha Public Power District is examining how it can make progress toward its goal of net-zero carbon production by 2050, while Lincoln Electric System has set a goal of eliminating its carbon dioxide production from its generation portfolio by 2040.