Powering Strong Communities

North Carolina Public Power Utility Fayetteville PWC Recognized By United Way

United Way of Cumberland County, N.C., announced on March 1 that North Carolina public power utility Fayetteville Public Works Commission (PWC) received the 2021 Spirit of North Carolina Award for Investment in long-term sustainable impact.

“Moving from response to recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Fayetteville PWC has led the way in meeting community needs through their fundraising, volunteer, and advocacy efforts,” United Way of Cumberland County said.

United Way of North Carolina’s annual Spirit of North Carolina award celebrates organizations for their campaign excellence achieved through impactful events, engaged leadership, and volunteer engagement. Organizations championing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion values and post-pandemic rebuilding efforts are also celebrated. 

United Way of North Carolina recognized 75 winners representing 22 local United Ways across the state.

Fayetteville PWC was not only recognized for raising over $150,000 through their workplace campaign but for its continuous support to the community. 

The utility has been involved in neighborhood cleanups, fan donations for local senior citizens, 3,500 pounds of food donations to a local food bank, among other things.

Every year the utility goes above and beyond to help those in the community and the award represents the 16th time PWC has been honored by the United Way of North Carolina, United Way of Cumberland County said.

For more information about the Spirit of North Carolina Award and a complete list of winners, visit unitedwaync.org/spirit-north-carolina-award-winners.