Powering Strong Communities

How Many Utilities Have Installed AMI?

Nationwide, more than 111 million households and businesses are served by automated metering infrastructure, or smart meters. That’s about 68% of all electric utility customers. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allocates $3 billion for smart grid deployments, to help utilities in reaching the remaining customers without AMI.

Number of advanced meters by utility type

utilities with at least one advance meter deployed, by utility type

average portion of customers with AMI, among utilities with any smart meters deployed

All or Nothing

About 400 public power utilities report having all residential customers on AMI – or 61.5% of utilities with any residential AMI deployed, compared with 10% of IOUs and 76% coops. Conversely, about 14% of public power utilities with any AMI have less than 25% of residential connected to the meters, including about half who only have AMI for commercial and industrial customers.

Total AMI deployments since 2010


Source: Energy Information Administration, 2021 Annual Electric Power Industry Report, Form EIA-861. Utilities serving less than 200,000 megawatt-hours annually are not required to complete the full EIA-861, which includes more detailed information on AMI and other statistics.

AMI deployments by utility type