Powering Strong Communities

Alameda Municipal Power Secures 12-Year Agreement for Geothermal Power

California public power utility Alameda Municipal Power has secured a long-term purchase agreement with the Northern California Power Agency and the Geysers Power Company under which Alameda Municipal Power will procure and deliver up to five megawatts of energy produced from the Geysers geothermal power plants located in California’s Sonoma and Lake Counties.

The agreement will run for a period of 12 years beginning in 2025.  

Alameda Municipal Power is a department of the city of Alameda that has served residents and businesses for 135 years. It provides 100 percent clean energy to more than 35,000 customers at rates that average 35 percent below neighboring communities.

Its clean power mix includes geothermal and hydroelectric sources, wind power and landfill gas.

Headquartered in Roseville, California, NCPA is a nonprofit California joint powers agency established in 1968 to construct and operate renewable and low-emitting generating facilities and assist in meeting the wholesale energy needs of its members.

The Geysers Power Company is an indirect subsidiary of Calpine Corporation.