Powering Strong Communities
Virtual Course

Community Solar Program and Subscription Design

Learn and discuss the various elements of community solar program design, as well as ownership options relevant to municipal utilities. This course is free to APPA utility members, joint action agencies and state/regional associations.
July 18 - 19, 2023
12:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern

Virtual Training

Join us as we debut this course as a series of two interactive, virtual sessions. It’s a convenient way to 'attend' the course, while still having the opportunity to interact with the instructor, your industry peers, and earn PDH credits. This course combines real-time presentation, group discussion, and Q&A sessions.


Attend two real-time sessions from Noon-2 p.m. ET on July 18 and 19.

Course Overview

Increasing numbers of municipal utilities are interested in offering a community solar option to their customers. There are many considerations when designing a community solar program and many ways that a program can be designed and implemented. In partnership with the Department of Energy’s National Community Solar Partnership (NCSP), APPA has developed a course to help public power utilities learn about the various elements of community solar program design, as well as ownership options relevant to municipal utilities.

This course is interactive in nature and participants are encouraged to begin developing a draft community solar plan for their utility by actively considering the relevance of each program design element in their utility context. There will be opportunities to discuss with and learn from peers, as well from several utilities that already have community solar or are actively designing programs. Special attention will be given to the design of programs that meet the needs of low and middle-income customers. 

Attendees will receive a copy of APPA’s Municipal Utility Community Solar Workbook, which will serve as the guidebook for this class.

Course Topics

  • Community solar market and trends
  • Identify goals and objectives for your community solar program
  • Gauging market potential and customer appetite
  • Project site selection
  • Program design elements
    • Role of anchor tenants
    • Customer eligibility
    • Project-based vs. portfolio-based design
    • Subscription designs
    • Term limits, exit rules, transferability
    • Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) & environmental benefits
    • Monthly payment designs
  • Including low- and middle-income customers in community solar
  • Impact of program design on financials
    • Case studies of municipal utilities with community solar

Recommended for

Public power utilities that have developed (or are considering developing) a community solar program. The content is applicable to several job roles and knowledge levels including general managers, energy services directors, rate analysts, communication directors, CFOs, and others interested in the subject area.

This course is free and only open to APPA utility members (including joint action agencies and state/regional associations).

Course Level

Basic: No prerequisites; no advanced preparation.

Course Access and Materials

  • Zoom Links: Zoom log in credentials will be sent out 24 hours before the start of Session 1.
  • Course Materials: Attendees will receive an electronic copy of the course materials, which can be accessed through APPA’s electronic document portal the day before the first session.
  • Recordings: These sessions will be recorded and can be accessed through APPA’s document portal (within a week of the course conclusion), in case you can’t attend the live versions. Recordings will be accessible for 90 days after the last course session. Note: Continuing education credits can only be issued for attending live sessions.


The following continuing education credits will be provided, after successfully completing 90% of both live sessions. Completion certificates will be available within two weeks after the class. These sessions will be recorded, though certificates can only be awarded to those who meet the attendance requirements for attending the live sessions (click here to review requirements).

Recommended CEUs .4/PDHs 4/CPEs 4.8 (total for the two sessions)

Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge


Tim Harvey, Customer Renewable Solutions Manager, Austin Energy, Texas
Tim began working with Austin Energy in the Solar Program in 2006. He is passionate about the environment and has played key roles in the development and operations of Austin Energy’s renewable program offerings and rate designs.

Joyce McLaren, Researcher, V-Market Research Analysis
Since joining the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in 2009, Joyce has worked on a wide variety of topics including solar program and rate designs; grid integration of solar with battery storage and electric vehicles; and grid-interactive efficient buildings. She particularly enjoys providing technical assistance to states, cities, utilities and non-profit organizations by helping partners clarify their priorities and identify options through technical analyses that define pathways to meet their goals.

Hannah Mulroy, Energy Portfolio Development Manager, Longmont Power & Communications, Colorado
Hannah serves as the Energy Portfolio Development Manager for Longmont Power & Communications, a municipal electric utility serving a population of approximately 100,000 residents in northern Colorado. She has a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s in urban planning from University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, as well as a fellowship in sustainability leadership from Edgewood College in Madison, WI. Hannah currently supports LPC’s goal of 100% renewable electric energy by 2030 through, among other things, evaluating, promoting and integrating distributed energy resources (DERs), community solar, battery storage, and other novel technologies. 

Simon Sandler, Researcher III, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Simon is a Researcher III at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the Markets & Policy Analysis group of the Strategic Energy Analysis Center. He comes to NREL with 4+ years of experience working in technoeconomic and policy analysis of renewable energy in both the public and private sector. He has an engineering background, obtaining a BS in civil engineering before getting his MS in Sustainable Energy Systems. His current work at NREL is focused on Community Solar via the National Community Solar Partnership and energy technoeconomic decision support modeling using the REopt platform (Renewable energy integration and optimization).

Paul Zummo, Director, Research and Development, APPA
Paul is the Director, Research and Development for the American Public Power Association. He manages APPA’s DEED R&D program and is also responsible for overseeing the Association’s general R&D efforts. Paul has written extensively on issues related to “Utility of the Future,” including distributed energy resources, rate design, and electrification.


Email: Registration@PublicPower.org

Email: EducationInfo@PublicPower.org

Register now!


Registration is free and only open to APPA utility members (including joint action agencies and state/regional associations). Click here to register or contact EducationInfo@PublicPower.org with questions.


  • 24 hours after registering: You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registering, which contains some preliminary information.
  • 24 hours before: 
    • You’ll receive your Zoom log in link the day before the first session (sent from the APPA Academy’s Zoom account <no-reply@zoom.us>)
    • You’ll also receive a final logistics email 24 hours in advance of the first class and information on how to access course materials.
  • If you don’t receive this correspondence, email EducationInfo@PublicPower.org

Course Access and Materials

  • Zoom Links: Zoom log in credentials will be sent out 24 hours before the start of Session 1.
  • Course Materials: Attendees will receive an electronic copy of the course materials, which can be accessed through APPA’s electronic document portal the day before the first session.
  • Recordings: These sessions will be recorded and can be accessed through APPA’s document portal (within a week of the course conclusion), in case you can’t attend the live versions. Recordings will be accessible for 90 days after the last course session. Note: Continuing education credits can only be issued for attending live sessions.


Email: Registration@PublicPower.org

Email: EducationInfo@PublicPower.org


Earn While You Learn!

Participate in virtual programs to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Professional Education credits (CPEs). This event is eligible for the following credits:

Recommended CEUs .4/PDHs 4/CPEs 4.8 (total for the two sessions)

Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge

What educational credits are available?

You can earn the following kinds of continuing education credits for attending live sessions during this event—provided the following requirements are met:

Requirements for Successful Completion

  • Attendees are required to attend and participate in 90% of each live session and complete an online evaluation at the end of the last session.
  • Partial credit cannot be given for partial attendance
  • Attendance is monitored by an APPA staff member during the event, through an online report log, and upon review of the post-event evaluation data
  • Completion certificates will be available within two weeks of the last session in a live event (for those who meet the requirements). You’ll receive one certificate for all two sessions.
  • Virtual sessions are recorded (attendees automatically receive access to recordings within a week of the last session), though continuing education credits can only be given for attending live events. Recordings will be accessible for 90 days after the last session.

 IACET logoContinuing Education Units (CEUs): The American Public Power Association is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. For information regarding certification status, attendance requirements and obtaining attendee transcripts, contact EducationInfo@PublicPower.org or 202-467-2965. 

CPE logoContinuing Professional Education (CPE) Credits: The American Public Power Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org. Unless noted, there are no prerequisites for the courses offered and no advance preparation is required. Courses are group-internet based offerings at the basic program level (unless otherwise noted). Credit hours and areas of study for the courses are listed on the individual course pages. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as clarification of requirements, complaints, and refunds, please contact EducationInfo@PublicPower.org.

Professional Development Hours (PDHs): The American Public Power Association’s educational practices are consistent with the criteria for awarding Professional Development Hours (PDHs) as established by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Course eligibility and number of PDHs may vary by state.

Format and Log-In Information

This class will be offered on the Zoom meeting platform. Presented in two, 2-hour sessions, featuring real-time presentation, group discussion, and Q&A sessions.


  • 24 hours after registering: You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registering, which contains some preliminary information.
  • 24 hours before: 
    • You’ll receive your Zoom log in link the day before the first session (sent from the APPA Academy’s Zoom account <no-reply@zoom.us>)
    • You’ll also receive a final logistics email 24 hours in advance of the first class and information on how to access course materials.
  • If you don’t receive this correspondence, email EducationInfo@PublicPower.org

New to Zoom?

If you haven't participated in a Zoom meeting before, please download the Zoom web client from the Zoom Download Center. This will enable you to access all of the Zoom tools and functionality vs. using the web version. Then, visit Zoom.us/test to ensure you are able to join a meeting. 

If you are not able to download the Zoom web client, you can still participate via your Internet browser. We recommend using Chrome for the best results. If you use your Internet browser, your functionality may be more limited (for example, you will only be able to see one video feed at a time), and you will need to create a Zoom account. (account creation is a free and straightforward process, but you will want to do this in advance so you do not miss any part of the meeting).

  • Internet access: You will need a strong Internet connection to run the Zoom meeting platform. 
  • Audio and webcam: You will need to enable computer audio to listen and speak (alternatively a call-in number will be provided) and you will need a webcam to fully engage in the discussions.  

Privacy and Security

The American Public Power Association takes your privacy and security very seriously. For this reason, we have put the following security measures in place for this course:

  • A random Meeting ID
  • Password-protected
  • Enabled waiting room to screen meeting participants
  • Restricted screen sharing to hosts only

Code of Conduct

Participants agree to abide by the APPA Code of Conduct. If participants engage in unacceptable behavior as outlined in the code, the Association may take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to, expulsion from the current and future meetings, with no warning or refund.


Email: Registration@PublicPower.org

Email: EducationInfo@PublicPower.org