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House Bill Would Retain Direct Payment of Certain Energy Tax Credits

A plan released on June 9 by House Committee on Ways and Means Republicans to repeal some aspects of the energy tax provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act would retain direct payment of certain energy tax credits.

The American Public Power Association strongly supports the use of refundable direct payment tax credits as a way of ensuring access to energy tax credits for projects owned by public power.

The bill, H.R. 3938, the Build It in America Act, is scheduled to be considered by the committee on June 13.

The bill would repeal the Clean Energy Production Credit, the Clean Energy Investment Credit, the Previously-Owned Clean Vehicle Credit and the Commercial Clean Energy Vehicle Credit. It would also modify the Clean Vehicle Credit.

The bill retains access to refundable direct payment tax credits for other tax credits, including the production tax credit, investment tax credit, carbon capture credit, the storage credit, and the advance nuclear tax credits.