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APPA Offers New Resources Related to Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure Law

The American Public Power Association is offering new resources to its member utilities related to implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and other federal funding programs.

APPA members can now search for vendors that provide grant services in its Suppliers Guide. Checking the “grant services” filter along with any other criteria will return the suppliers that have identified themselves as providing services related to grant research, writing, advising, and consulting or grant management, accounting, and compliance services.

Corporate associate members who provide grant support to public power utilities can contact jmiller@publicpower.org to have the filter applied to their listing.

APPA members can also fill out the Federal Funding Assistance Request Form to directly request assistance from APPA corporate members for a specific project or program.

APPA has also refreshed the layout of its federal funding opportunities webpage to better highlight details on the latest funding announcements, key federal resources, and information on past and future federal funding opportunities.