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Electricity Markets

Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency Seeks Electric Intermediate Capacity, Energy Resources

The Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency has issued a request for proposals for electric intermediate capacity and energy resources.

KYMEA intends to purchase power from one or more suppliers starting on June 1, 2024, for a term of three to five years.

Resources should: (i) be deliverable on a firm, non-interruptible basis to the LGE/KU transmission system, (ii) be delivered to KYMEA on a first call basis and not be committed for sale to third parties, and (iii) qualify for designation as network resources under the LGE/KU Open Access Transmission Tariff to serve the loads of KYMEA’s member municipal electric systems.

Potential proposers may request a copy of the RFP by emailing KYMEA at: rleesman@kymea.org.  Those requesting the RFP are asked to provide the organization’s legal name and address and a primary contact name, email address, and phone number.

The RFP specifically provides that prospective proposers must contact only Rob Leesman at KYMEA to obtain information about this solicitation.  Contacts by prospective proposers with KYMEA Board members and other representatives of KYMEA or its Members will be a cause for disqualification of proposals, as further explained in the RFP.

The RFP requires the submittal of a proposal responsive to the RFP and containing data at a level sufficient for KYMEA to screen alternatives to determine if the proposal is reasonably susceptible of being accepted for an award based upon the evaluation factors set out in the RFP.

Questions regarding the RFP must be submitted by email no later than 2 pm EDT on September 8, 2023, to assure an answer. 

KYMEA must receive proposals by email from interested proposers no later than 2 pm EDT on October 9, 2023. 

Created in September 2015, 11 municipal electric utilities entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement creating KYMEA, a joint public agency.

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