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Electricity Markets

Owensboro Municipal Utilities Seeks Power Supply Proposals

Kentucky public power utility Owensboro Municipal Utilities has issued a request for proposals for various power supply alternatives to serve its future retail load. 

OMU is seeking proposals for the following types of products: Unit-contingent gas fired capacity and associated energy, requirements capacity and associated energy and Midcontinent ISO Zonal Resource Credits.

OMU may accept a combination of alternatives from one or more suppliers. 

The RFP term sheet and attachments will be posted at https://soar.gdsassociates.com/RFPs

All questions or other communication regarding this RFP should be submitted in writing to OMU’s engineering consultants at GDS Associates, Inc. (OMU_RFP2023@GDSAssociates.com) on or before October 20, 2023. 

Proposal submissions are due no later than November 8, 2023.

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