Powering Strong Communities

Sponsor and Expo Policies

A comprehensive guide to APPA's policies for conference sponsorships and expos.

Contact Information

Sponsorship: Sponsorship@PublicPower.org
Membership: Membership@PublicPower.org

Sponsor/Vendor Eligibility

Sponsors and vendors for this event must offer products and services to electric utilities. The American Public Power Association shall have the sole right to determine eligibility.

Rates & Payments

Membership must be current at the time of the event to be eligible for the member rate. Fees must be paid in full 30 days prior to the event. Payment must accompany registration within 30 days of the event.

Cancellation Policies

Cancellation must be made in writing and sent to Sponsorship@PublicPower.org. Sponsors/Vendors who cancel at least 30 days before the first day of the event will be liable for 50% of the fee. Sponsors/Vendors who cancel within thirty (30) days of the first day of the event will be liable for 100% of the fee. If full payment has not been received at the time of cancellation, an invoice for the appropriate amount will be issued.  If APPA cancels the event at any time after payment has been made, the sponsor will receive a full refund from APPA.

Event Policies

  1. For sponsored events at which the sponsor is to be recognized verbally, an APPA representative will recognize the sponsor from the podium and APPA will display the sponsor’s logo within and outside of the event; but APPA will not assist in marketing or promoting the sponsor or its products and services from the podium.
  2. For live or video presentations about the sponsor and its products or services, there may be no comparative statements or images and no information that can reasonably be considered as defamatory, infringing on the intellectual property of others, or suggestive of APPA endorsement or approval of the sponsor or its products and services.
  3. For Expo booth or table-top space provided to the sponsor, there may be no comparative statements, images, or displays and no information on display or in hand-outs that can reasonably be considered as defamatory, infringing on the intellectual property or others, or suggestive of APPA endorsement or approval of the sponsor or its products and services; marketing and promotion of products and services is appropriate, as are hand-outs of literature or items of modest value.

For Events With Expos and Sponsor Showcases

Space Assignment

APPA reserves the right to rearrange the floor plan and relocate any exhibitor at any time.

Booth Construction & Arrangements

Exhibitors are not allowed to obstruct the view, cause injury, or adversely affect the displays of other exhibitors. APPA will provide and arrange for the erection of necessary draped background and sides in a uniform style. Each exhibit must be confined to the spatial limits of its respective booth indicated on the floor plan. Placement of the components of the exhibit must be done to avoid blocking the visibility of neighboring exhibitors. All exposed parts of a display must be finished so as not to be objectionable to other exhibitors or APPA. If any unfinished, exposed part of the exhibit is deemed offensive, the exhibiting firm will be charged for the cost of any additional draping or finishing needed.

In-Line Exhibits

Display materials should be arranged in such a manner that do not obstruct the sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of eight (8) feet is allowed only in the rear half of booth space, with a four (4) feet height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle.

Corner Booth

A corner booth is an in-line booth exposed to aisles on two sides. All other guidelines for in-line booths apply.

Subletting of Space

Subletting of space is permitted only under special circumstances and only with APPA’s prior, written permission. Exhibitors may assign, sublet, or apportion to others the whole or any part of their allocated space and may advertise or display goods or services other than those manufactured or sold by them in the regular course of their business. The rate for such subletting of space with APPA’s written permission is an additional fifty percent (50%) premium on the regular space fee per sublease. This requirement, however, does not prohibit an exhibitor from using equipment or the product of another exhibitor in its booth for the purpose of better product presentation of its own product; however, it may not give credit to the manufacturer.

Early Move-Out Prohibited

It is agreed and understood that premature move-out detracts from and is harmful to the overall merit of the exhibition. As such, the exhibitor agrees that it will not initiate move-out or abandon its exhibit prior to the date/times listed in the vendor services kit.

Removal of Exhibits

Tear down and removal of exhibits shall begin promptly after the close of the exhibit hall. Exhibitors are requested not to interfere with the removal of aisle carpet and the return of empty crates. Each exhibitor will complete arrangements for removal of its material from the exhibit facility in accordance with the instructions provided in the vendor services kit.

Video Taping & Photography

Exhibitors are prohibited from videotaping or photographing other exhibitors’ booths or events or activities, other than those occurring entirely within the exhibitors’ own booth space, without permission from other exhibitors.


I understand and agree to comply with these policies. I understand that contributions or gifts made to this association are not deductible as charitable contributions, but may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses, for federal income tax purposes. I understand that my organization will indemnify APPA for claims or liability arising from statements or activities of my organization related to its sponsoring or exhibiting.  I represent that my organization carries adequate liability insurance to cover any reasonably anticipated claims or liability from sponsoring or exhibiting. I have read and I understand the terms and conditions defined herein. I have full authority to commit my organization to those terms and conditions. I understand that by providing my email and contact information that I am authorizing the American Public Power Association to send information to my organization about upcoming events, programs, and services via these means.