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Distributed Energy Resources

NYPA Completes Listening Sessions With Renewable Energy Stakeholders

The New York Power Authority has completed formal conversations with stakeholders as part of its first annual conferral process called for in legislation included in the 2023-24 Enacted State Budget related to NYPA’s new authority to develop, own, and operate renewable energy generating projects to assist the state in meeting its clean energy targets.

NYPA has met with more than 50 stakeholder groups and will be compiling stakeholder input that will be summarized in a report NYPA will make available on its website in December.

Interested parties are encouraged to share additional input on an ongoing basis and can submit comments to NYPARenewablesConferral@nypa.gov, it said on Nov. 1.

“As we continue to expand NYPA’s role in the clean energy transition in New York State, it has been extremely helpful and informative to listen to stakeholders from different regions and sectors throughout the state,” said NYPA President and CEO Justin Driscoll. “The Power Authority is looking ahead to formulating our NYPA renewables strategic plan and the conferral input we have received to date will help us identify and prioritize new renewable energy generation projects that can assist the state in reaching its decarbonization goals.”

Through the conferral process, NYPA gathered input from state agencies and regulatory entities regarding their progress on achieving New York’s renewable energy targets as outlined in the state’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act as well as the generator interconnection process managed by the New York Independent System Operator.

NYPA then conferred with an array of additional stakeholders, including climate and resiliency experts, labor organizations, and environmental justice and community organizations about the state’s progress toward meeting its climate goals and other state priorities, such as green job creation.

 A conferral report that includes stakeholder perspectives on the state’s progress on CLCPA renewable energy goals, information about the generation NYISO interconnection process, and other important issues will be made available on NYPA’s website in December.

NYPA said it will use the report and stakeholder comments when developing its strategic plan to identify projects and other actions NYPA will undertake to support the state's renewable energy goals. NYPA will publish its first biennial strategic plan in January 2025.

In May 2023, the 2023-24 Enacted State Budget provided NYPA with new authority to develop, own, and operate renewable energy generating projects -- either alone or in collaboration with other entities -- to support the state's renewable energy goals in the CLCPA, maintain an adequate and reliable supply of electric power and energy in the state, and support the new REACH program, which will enable low-income and moderate-income electricity customers to receive bill credits through the production of renewable energy by NYPA.