Powering Strong Communities

Heartland Energy Launches Flame-Resistant Clothing Store for Customers

South Dakota-based joint action agency Heartland Energy recently launched a flame-resistant clothing store available to customers beginning in January.

Eligible employees will receive a code good for a credit to purchase FR clothing from the store. “The store will be open for a limited time, so orders will need to be made promptly,” noted Russell Olson, CEO of Heartland Energy, in a recent CEO’s Report posted on the JAA’s website.

“However, this is a multi-year program as part of Heartland Energy’s safety initiative so the store will be available in subsequent years,” he wrote.

Olson pointed out that in an effort to help customers ensure their employees are implementing best safety practices, Heartland Energy has hosted a Winter Conference for the past eleven years.

Along with its traditional safety presentation, this year Heartland Energy also announced the flame-resistant clothing store.

Any certified journeyman lineman or apprentice lineman working full-time for a Heartland Energy customer community will be eligible to purchase from the store. In addition, all electric superintendents or managers as well as utility superintendents or managers will also be eligible.

Also, anyone employed by the city or utility full-time who regularly works on or in the vicinity of energized electrical parts will be eligible.

A variety of items will be available in the store and will likely vary from year to year.

Each item ordered will be co-branded with the Heartland Energy logo as well as the logo of a city or utility.

Olson said that more information about the store’s launch will be sent out once it is available.

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