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Distributed Energy Resources

APPA’s DEED Program Seeks Nominations to Fill Two Vacant Director Positions

The American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments program is seeking nominations to fill two vacant Director positions.

Specifically, the DEED program is seeking nominations for Region 10 and Region 5.

DEED is APPA’s research and development program funding research, pilot projects, and education to improve utility operations and services for over 43 years.

For Region 10, this director will represent DEED members in the region (at-large seat), representing DEED members in and outside the United States.

This seat has two years remaining and is eligible for renomination for a three-year term in fall 2026.

Non-DEED members are eligible to apply; however, if selected, the applicant's organization must enroll for DEED membership in order to retain the seat on the board.

DEED's twelve-member board helps guide public power R&D efforts and votes to decide which DEED grant and scholarship applications receive funding.

Appointment presents unique opportunities to influence a region's research activities and enhance R&D outcomes for public power as a whole.

Nominations are due Monday, February 26, 2024. The nomination form is available  here.

The nomination form also has information about eligibility, responsibilities, and criteria for selection, so please read through this section before submitting a nomination. Please note that self-nomination is not permitted.

For Region 5, the director will represent DEED members in Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.

As with Region 10, non-DEED members are eligible to apply; however, if selected, the applicant's organization must enroll for DEED membership in order to retain this seat.

Nominations are due Monday, February 26, 2024. The nomination form is available here.

If you have any questions, email DEED@publicpower.org or call 202-467-2942.