Powering Strong Communities

Salt River Project Plans to Issue New All-Source Request for Proposals

Salt River Project plans to issue a new all-source request for proposals later this month, the Arizona public power utility said on Feb. 12.

SRP noted that the Phoenix metropolitan area continues to have one of the fastest growth rates in the nation, with no signs of slowing.

In its recent Integrated System Plan, SRP found that it will need to double or triple power resource capacity from a wide range of technologies to meet projected energy demand and achieve its 2035 sustainability goals.

The RFP will seek competitive proposals for up to 1,200 megawatts of peak electrical generating capacity and up to 2,500 MW of carbon-free capacity with commercial operation dates between 2028 and 2029.

SRP will also consider proposals for resources that require longer development times, not estimated to be online until 2030 or later.

SRP will evaluate and compare proposals that meet the minimum requirements identified in the RFP, including SRP self-developed resource options.

SRP currently serves customer energy needs with a diverse fuel mix including nuclear, hydroelectric, natural gas, coal, battery storage and renewable resources including solar, wind, biomass and geothermal.

“Despite serving one of the fastest growing service territories in the country, SRP is taking significant, industry-leading steps to decarbonize its power generation portfolio,” it noted.

In the last three years, SRP has tripled its prior-decade investment in renewable resources and plans to add six times more renewables in the next ten years. This is while SRP simultaneously retires 1,300 MW of coal operating on its power system.

Resource projects selected through this All-Source RFP process will support SRP’s 2035 Sustainability Goals and outlined resource growth plans in SRP’s Integrated System Plan.

SRP will announce when the RFP is issued in late February 2024, and it will posted on SRP’s website here: srpnet.com/AllSourceRFP.

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