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FMEA Announces 2024 Florida Lineman Competition Rodeo Winners

The Florida Municipal Electric Association recently held its annual Florida Lineman Competition Rodeo, which brings electric lineworkers from all over the state together to demonstrate their skill and knowledge in the craft of line work.

Competitors took on various challenges such as changing out fuses, replacing wires, disconnecting power lines and completing a simulation of rescuing injured lineworkers. Competitors earned points for completing the tasks as quickly as possible and lost points if safety standards and proper work practices were not followed.

Journeyman teams, which included at least one lineworker who has been in the industry for five years or more, are made up of three lineworkers. Apprentices, or lineworkers in training, competed individually.

The 2024 Overall Journeyman Team Winners Cup was presented to Mathew Brown, Tyler Homan and Hank Pearson of Ocala Electric Utility. Winning the Overall Apprentice Award was Dustin Zorn from Lakeland Electric.

This year, more than 215 electric utility workers from 15 Florida utilities are participating in the 2024 Florida Lineman Competition Rodeo. This includes the 154 lineworkers registered to compete, including 75 apprentices and 79 journeyman lineworkers competing on 23 teams, and 64 judges from across the state that will score competitors.

“Congratulations to all the winners who not only demonstrated their talents and abilities, but also their commitment to on-the-job safety and providing the best possible service to their communities,” said Amy Zubaly, FMEA Executive Director.

In April, the American Public Power Association will hold its annual Lineworkers Rodeo in Lafayette, La.