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Distributed Energy Resources

NYPA Issues RFQ Tied to Renewable Energy Development Opportunities

The New York Power Authority on March 12 issued a request for qualifications to pre-qualify renewable development companies and investors that meet requirements to collaborate with NYPA on the development of renewable energy generating projects and storage systems, including solar photovoltaic, wind, battery storage, green hydrogen, geothermal, and renewable-related transmission.

 The RFQ seeks information from renewable developers outlining their experience and qualifications, allowing NYPA to evaluate respondents for pre-qualification that will last up to five years.

NYPA anticipates inviting qualified respondents to this RFQ to respond to future Requests for Proposals or other procurement offerings where there will be the opportunity to submit complete project proposals, including terms and costs.

A robust response to a NYPA Request for Information issued earlier this year, as well as discussions with stakeholders, including those consulted in NYPA’s first annual conferral process completed late last year, helped inform the RFQ development.

Responses for this RFQ should be sent to nypa.bids@nypa.gov by Tuesday, April 9, 2024. NYPA will review the responses expeditiously and expects to inform respondents on whether they have been pre-qualified for collaborations with NYPA by the end of May 2024.

The 2023-24 Enacted State Budget provided NYPA with enhanced authority to plan, design, develop, finance, construct, own, operate, maintain and improve renewable energy generation and storage projects -- either alone or in collaboration with other entities.

NYPA will publish its first biennial strategic plan for renewable energy development in January 2025.