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FERC Affirms Generator Interconnection Rule, Acts on Compliance Filings

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on March 21 affirmed its July 2023 rule that streamlined the country’s generator interconnection process.

FERC's landmark Order 2023 made significant modifications to the pro forma generator interconnection procedures and agreements, notably requiring transmission providers to adopt a first-ready, first-served cluster process. Several entities sought rehearing or clarification of the order.

The orders approved at FERC’s monthly open meeting address rehearing and clarification requests of Order No. 2023, and the first set of compliance orders associated with it.

FERC addresses the respective roles and responsibilities of transmission providers and interconnection customers in the interconnection process.

It also clarifies many topics ranging from public interconnection information and the cluster study process to withdrawal and study delay penalties, and the consideration of alternative transmission technologies.

It also extends the deadline for transmission providers to submit their compliance filings until 30 days after publication of Order No. 2023-A in the Federal Register.

FERC also acted on Order No. 2023 compliance filings by Duke Energy Florida, LLC, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, and Duke Energy Progress, LLC; Arizona Public Service Company; and Idaho Power Company.

The Commission found that these filings partially comply with Order No. 2023 but directs each entity to submit a further compliance filing.

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