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Electricity Markets

KYMEA Welcomes Benham as Newest All Requirements Member

In late March, the Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency All Requirements Project Committee and Board of Directors voted to approve the Electric Plant Board of the City of Benham’s request to become KYMEA’s newest All Requirements member.

Benham joins the existing AR Members: The Cities of Bardwell, Berea, Falmouth, Madisonville, Paris, and Providence, the Frankfort Plant Board, the Barbourville Utility Commission, and the Corbin City Utilities Commission.

Benham, with a population of less than 500, serves 269 residential and commercial customers.

KYMEA will begin supplying all of Benham’s wholesale power needs starting June 1, 2024.

Created in September 2015, 11 municipal electric utilities entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement creating KYMEA, a joint public agency.

KYMEA notes that it was formed to “facilitate effective collaboration among its members to do all things necessary or convenient to serve the current and future electric power and energy requirements of the members and to provide assistance to the members related to their electric power and energy utility systems.”

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