Powering Strong Communities

Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District Board Approves Supply Contract

The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District board of directors on May 6 approved a new contract for power generated at the Jeffrey Hydro plant south of Brady, Neb.

The approved agreement is with the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska and will run from July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

MEAN is one of four organizations that make up the Nebraska Municipal Power Pool energy coalition. MEAN is a not-for-profit organization that provides wholesale electricity supply and services to 69 participating communities in four states.

The new agreement is similar to the 10-year purchase agreement that Central signed with MEAN for power generated at the Johnson No. 1 and Johnson No. 2 hydro plants.

Starting on Jan. 1, 2024, through Dec. 31, 2033, all power and capacity generated at the J1 and J2 plants is delivered to MEAN for their customers.

This short-term Jeffrey agreement includes a provision for The Energy Authority to market the capacity provided by the facility.

Since January 1, the 20 megawatts of power generated by the Jeffrey hydro plant has been sold in the Southwest Power Pool market.

The new six-month agreement provides for a more stable contract while the board continues to actively investigate potential ways to improve the realized value of the energy produced at the Jeffrey hydro plant while providing that energy to the local area.

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