Powering Strong Communities
Electric Vehicles

IID Leads Electrification Initiative in Forming Strategic Workgroup

The Board of Directors for California public power utility Imperial Irrigation District recently approved the creation of an Electrification Workgroup whose goal will be to develop outreach and programming strategies to aid customers, local agencies, and regional planning agencies as the state transitions to electric vehicles.

“Regulations by the state of California to zero-emission vehicles by 2035 pose significant planning obligations, not only for the IID, but for customers and local agencies,” IID said.

The goal, through the new strategic Electrification Workgroup, will be to foster positive customer relations and engage IID customers and the communities the district serves through broad outreach and communication, while meeting or exceeding all obligations under local, state and federal laws, regulations and mandates.

The new workgroup will consist of IID Director Karin Eugenio, IID Board Chairman Alex Cardenas, General Manager Jamie Asbury, and their designees.

California’s climate goals require all public agencies to collaborate extensively to manage the additional load anticipated on the electric grid.

In response, IID has proactively conducted workshops in the Imperial and Coachella Valleys, engaging local municipalities to gather input and discuss strategies for a seamless transition to an electrified future.

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