Powering Strong Communities

DOE Funds Guam Power Authority Microgrid Project

Guam Power Authority will receive funding from the Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity for a microgrid project.

DOE/OE funding for the Guam Power Authority project, “Modular Microgrid Control System for Distribution Networks in Rural and Island Communities,” is $916,885.

The Guam Power Authority project team will develop, test, and demonstrate a modular microgrid control system technology that will standardize the development of control and communication of modular microgrids.

“OE supports critical grid system research -- such as this funding -- to strengthen grid resilience, help mitigate grid disturbances, and integrate renewable energy and distributed energy resources to accelerate our evolution into a more flexible, socially equitable, and secure grid of the future,” DOE said.

Overall, the OE announced funding totaling $10.5 million for projects to support multi-year research, development, and demonstration of microgrid-related technologies.

The overall goals are to:

  • Promote microgrids as a core solution for increasing grid reliability and resilience.
  • Ensure that microgrids act as a point of aggregation for a larger number of distributed energy resources.
  • Decrease microgrid capital costs by 15 percent by 2031, while reducing project development, construction, and commissioning times by 20 percent.

Details on other entities that received funding are available on the DOE’s website.

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