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After Nearly 42 Years of Service to APPA, Susan Lynch will Retire in July

Susan Lynch, Director, Database Systems & Analysis at the American Public Power Association and the longest serving employee in APPA’s history, will retire on July 1, 2024.

APPA’s Board of Directors in June approved a Resolution of Appreciation for Lynch, which noted that Lynch joined the staff of APPA in October 1982 and served as Library Assistant where she helped the Association in maintaining member records and served as a part-time administrative assistant.

“Lynch enhanced the data entry procedures to vastly improve the collection of vital data for more than 2,000 electric systems,” the resolution said.

APPA’s board also noted that Lynch:

  • Leveraged her acute technical acumen to become the Director of Database Systems in 1997, in which capacity she was responsible for maintaining member records and assisting staff with data collection and analysis;
  • Assisted in developing resources for association staff and members, including a RP3 scoring system, a NERC compliance registry, new systems for event registration and directory updates, integration of lockbox transactions with the CRM, and an activity scoring tool to gauge at-risk members; and
  • Oversaw the implementation of three enterprise CRM’s during her tenure, including the recently implemented Salesforce-based CRM that was executed on time and on budget during the COVID pandemic.

APPA’s Board of Directors of “extends its sincere gratitude and appreciation to Susan Lynch for her nearly 42 years of outstanding service to the Association and to public power,” the resolution said. The board extended its wishes that Lynch enjoy a fulfilling and happy retirement.

“In her more than forty years of service to APPA, Susan’s dedication to the association and public power has shined through time and time again,” said Scott Corwin, President and CEO of APPA.

“On behalf of APPA’s staff, I want to thank Susan for her many contributions to the association,” Corwin said.

“In my more than 18 years of working with Susan at APPA, I have been consistently impressed with her dedication to APPA and public power more broadly,” said Jeff Haas, Senior Vice President for Membership and Marketing at APPA.

“Over the course of her long career at APPA, Susan has successfully completed a wide range of complex projects,” Haas said.

“Her efforts have delivered direct benefits to APPA’s members and allowed staff at APPA to succeed in the association’s mission of advocating for public power and helping community-owned utilities deliver superior services through joint advocacy, education, and collaboration,” he said.