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Regional Grid Operators Monitor Technology Outage

Regional grid operators in the U.S. on July 19 reported that they were monitoring a global technology outage that impacted a wide range of industries in the U.S. and elsewhere.

CrowdStrike on July 19 reported that it was actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. “Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This was not a cyberattack,” it said. “The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed."

“MISO is monitoring the technology outage situation related to CrowdStrike. There have been no impacts to grid operations,” the Midcontinent Independent System Operator told Public Power Current on July 19.

"NYISO's bulk electric system and wholesale electricity markets are operating normally,” the New York Independent System Operator said. “Our operations and IT teams will continue to monitor system conditions and coordinate with transmission owners, generators, neighboring grid operators, and other stakeholders."

“ISO New England is aware of the global CrowdStrike issues that have impacted many companies, both within and beyond the energy industry. The region's power system remained reliable throughout the event, though some systems internal to the ISO were affected and have since been restored,” it told Public Power Current. “The ISO is in close coordination with market participants who are experiencing issues on their systems, and is available to assist should new issues arise,” ISO-NE said.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas said in a July 19 tweet that its “grid operations have not been affected by the global technology outages. At this time, the grid is operating under normal conditions with no reliability issues.”

The California ISO grid operations “have not been impacted by the recent global technology outages. The system is operating under normal conditions with no current reliability issues,” CAISO said in a July 19 tweet.

Southwest Power Pool told Public Power Current that it “has been monitoring reports of the widespread impacts occurring overnight related to global technology outages. SPP’s services, including our reliability and market functions, were not impacted and SPP is currently operating under normal conditions.”



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