Powering Strong Communities

Calvin Henze, Founding General Manager of FMPA, Passes Away at the Age of 100

Calvin Henze passed away on July 16, 2024, at the age of 100 in New Braunfels, Texas.

In 1961 Henze became Controller of Memphis Light, Gas, and Water, and his first job was to install a computer for 300,000 customer accounts. The computer had 980 bytes of memory. The customer accounts system also provided information for dispatching of trouble calls and rate and line loading studies.

He was promoted to General Manager, and in September 1969 he was appointed President and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. He retired in September 1978.

During his tenure at MLGW he served seven years on the Board of Directors of the American Public Power Association and one year as President of the Association.

He also served on the Gas Research Institute Board of Directors. Calvin was listed in the 1984-85 edition of WHO'S WHO in America.

In October 1978 he was employed as General Manager and CEO of Florida Municipal Power Agency in Orlando, Florida, a new joint action agency consisting of 26 city-owned electric systems from Tallahassee to Key West. Henze was the first employee, and his office was in a Days Inn until they acquired an office.

To meet the cities’ future power needs, the Agency bought an interest in a nuclear plant, two coal fired plants, and four combustion turbines.

He initiated a project by which the Agency provided the power requirements for 12 cities that were buying their power requirements from other utilities. The 12 cities saved over $132 million in ten years. Calvin retired in January 1992.

He said that to be the first General Manager and CEO of FMPA was an opportunity of a lifetime to guide the development of the Agency from no office, no staff, no projects, no revenues, and no assets in 1978 to an Agency in 1992 with a staff of 24, a 12,000-square foot office building, 9 projects, annual revenues of $156 million, and assets of $631 million.

After he retired, he volunteered at AARP doing income tax filings, and he counseled individuals at Senior Corp of Retired Executives who were planning to go into business or who were in business and needed help. He also was active in church, serving on multiple finance committees.

For funeral details, please visit doeppenschmidtfuneralhome.com