Powering Strong Communities

Western Transmission Expansion Coalition Study Plan Gets Unanimous Approval

The Western Transmission Expansion Coalition recently reached a significant milestone when the WestTEC Steering Committee unanimously approved the project’s study plan. 

WestTEC is a West-wide effort to develop an actionable transmission study to support the needs of the future energy grid.

“The Study Plan approval was the result of many months of collaboration within the WestTEC committees and with community and regional partners. We are grateful to these partners who have helped get us this far and to the Western Electricity Coordinating Council as a major sponsor of our upcoming work,” said Sarah Edmonds, President and CEO of Western Power Pool, which is coordinating WestTEC.

The plan document will guide the study work, which includes 10- and 20-year planning horizons.

A draft of the study plan was published in July, kicking off a public comment period. The final plan reflects the input from the public comments.

The 10-year horizon study is now under way. It should be completed by September 2025. The 20-year study phase will begin in Spring 2026.

The full report should be finished and shared in the first quarter of 2027.

Additional details on the study plan are available on WPP’s website.

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