Powering Strong Communities
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid

Florida Public Power Utilities Travel to Louisiana to Support LUS in Restoration Efforts

Crews from the City of Tallahassee Electric Utility and Gainesville Regional Utilities in Florida are en route to support Lafayette Utilities System in restoration efforts following the anticipated landfall of Hurricane Francine on Sept. 11, the Florida Municipal Electric Association said on Sept. 10.

 “Florida public power electric utilities are proud to answer the call to provide mutual aid to neighboring public power communities in times of need, especially when facing the impending arrival of storms such as Hurricane Francine,” said Amy Zubaly, Executive Director, FMEA.

“Additional Florida public power utilities are on standby to assist and will deploy after the storm makes landfall if needed,” she said. 

“As the mutual aid coordinator for Florida’s 33 public power utilities, FMEA and Florida’s public power utilities stand ready to provide additional mutual aid assistance to help impacted communities recover,” Zubaly said.