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City Council Formally Approves Seattle City Light Strategic Plan Update

Seattle City Light’s 2025-2030 strategic plan update was formally approved by the Seattle City Council the week of Sept. 4.

“To respond to new industry challenges and opportunities, our new Strategic Plan Update addresses the steps needed to make meaningful progress toward our climate goals, invest in new resources, and improve our transmission and distribution systems to reliably meet this future demand,” Seattle City Light Media Relations Manager Jenn Strang noted in a recent post on the utility’s website.

Seattle City Light develops a full strategic plan every six years to outline the key strategies that will guide its work.

It also updates the plan every two years to highlight the progress that has been made and communicate its focus for the remainder of the plan period.

The process involves City Light employees, customers, the Seattle City Light Review Panel, other City department personnel, community members, and business leaders.

The Seattle City Council is presented with the plan for approval before it is adopted and put into action.

Additional details on the plan are available on the utility’s website.

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