Powering Strong Communities

JEA Provides Scholarships for Female Student-Athletes Pursuing STEM Degrees

Florida public power utility JEA on Sept. 17 presented scholarships to 10 University of North Florida female student-athletes who are pursuing STEM degrees.

The inaugural UNF Women’s STEM and Athletics Scholarship Luncheon was sponsored by JEA.

More than 100 guests attended the luncheon, including Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan, UNF President Moez Limayem, JEA Chief Operating Officer Raynetta Curry Marshall, and business leaders from throughout Jacksonville.

JEA’s contribution provides for $4,000 scholarships for each of the 10 student-athletes: Emma Milson, Presley Murray, Ashley Connor, Madison Espy, Sophia Hayag, Aydan Horrigan, Ashley Kephart, Jasmine Makela, Hayden Wooldridge and Isabella Giresi.

In her opening remarks, Marshall congratulated the student-athletes for their achievements and encouraged them, as they continue on their journeys, to inspire others by “telling their stories” and to keep JEA in mind when they’re ready to start their careers after graduation.

Margaret Limbaugh, a UNF alumna and director of electric production at JEA’s Northside Generating Station, participated in a panel discussion on women and leadership.

She spoke of how being an engineering student at UNF prepared her for challenging times ahead in her career.


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