Powering Strong Communities

DOE Launches Community Microgrid Assistance Partnership

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity on Oct. 2 announced the launch of the Community Microgrid Assistance Partnership, which is designed to assist remote, rural, and electrically isolated communities in developing resilient microgrid systems that enhance energy reliability and security, particularly in historically underserved and/or Indigenous areas.

Starting October 2, 2024, eligible communities can submit proposals for technical assistance and funding to support the design and implementation of a microgrid project, or to optimize existing microgrid systems for improved performance.

Interested participants can find comprehensive guidance on the OE website. The application deadline is December 20, 2024 with selections announced in the spring of 2025.

The C-MAP pilot program “focuses on Alaska, Hawaii, and Tribes in the Southwest and the Great Plains, where regional organizations are positioned to provide long-term engagement and wraparound services to sustain the microgrids deployed in the program. Addressing resource gaps for underserved communities is critical to ensure low-cost, clean energy is available to every American,” DOE said.

Target participants are governments overseeing energy systems, local power companies, independent energy suppliers, and community support organizations that provide energy services to remote, underserved, and/or Indigenous communities.

Wraparound support from the regional partners could entail workforce development for clean energy jobs, raising capital, networking your system with neighboring villages, planning for long-term maintenance, or other hurdles communities face in developing and maintaining microgrid systems. There is also support available for developing a proposal that fits the program parameters, is technically feasible, and matches local interests.

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