Powering Strong Communities

NERC Launches Task Force to Examine Reliability Impact of Data Centers, Other Emerging Large Load Systems

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation has launched a Large Loads Task Force in order to ​​​​better understand the reliability impact of emerging large loads such as data centers and hydrogen fuel plants and their impact on the bulk power system. 

The task force will “first focus on identifying the unique characteristics and risks associated with emerging large loads, and then validate and prioritize these risks,” NERC said in a post on its website.

 Following this, the task force will identify gaps and mitigation of potential risks to support BPS reliability including enhancements to existing planning and operations processes to help transmission planners and operators mitigate these risks.

FERC Technical Conference to Examine Large Loads Co-Located at Generating Facilities

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Nov. 1 will convene a technical conference that will examine large loads co-located at generating facilities.

Additional details are available on its website.

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