Powering Strong Communities

Community Invited to Ribbon Cutting for Snohomish County PUD Substation

Washington State’s Snohomish County PUD is inviting the community to a ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the Jennings Park Substation on Nov. 4. 

PUD Commissioner Sid Logan, Marysville Mayor Jon Nehring, and PUD CEO/General Manager John Haarlow are scheduled to speak at the event.

In addition to the ribbon cutting ceremony, attendees will have the opportunity to tour the Jennings Park Substation and learn about future infrastructure investments coming to Marysville, including a new 115-kilovolt transmission line, scheduled to be completed in 2027, and the SnoSMART project.

To increase capacity in Marysville, the PUD constructed the new substation and built a high-voltage line to serve it. This larger substation will replace the existing Central Marysville Substation, which will be demolished in 2025.

“We are proud to have accomplished the first of multiple major infrastructure upgrades coming to Marysville,” said Haarlow. “These improvements will help increase reliability, accommodate future growth and mitigate wildfire risk in the community.” 

The new 115-kV transmission line will run between the Jennings Park Substation and the future Getchell Switching Station.

In addition to improving reliability and accommodating future growth, this project will also provide another connection to Bonneville Power Administration electrical resources.

The SnoSMART project is a $60 million infrastructure and software project deploying hundreds of wireless-connected smart grid devices to the PUD’s distribution grid.

A Department of Energy GRIP funding grant of $30 million accelerates implementation from 20 years to five, allowing the PUD to make a generational leap forward.

When completed, SnoSMART will improve system reliability and energy resilience, mitigate wildfire risks, and decrease the energy burden for all PUD customers.

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