Powering Strong Communities
Community Engagement

KPUB Hosts Fall Community Energy Savings and Assistance Event

Texas public power utility Kerrville Public Utility Board on Nov. 7 will host a Community Weatherization Event where customers will be able to learn more about energy savings, among other things.

Team members from KPUB and Alamo Area Council of Governments will be present to discuss:

  • AACOG’s free energy-saving home improvement funding (for those who meet income and eligibility requirements);
  • KPUB’s home energy-saving tips and free energy audits;
  • KPUB’s rebates for energy-efficient home improvements; and
  • KPUB’s community solar rate for low-to-moderate-income households (Customers save an average of $100 on their electric bills through this discounted rate—no equipment installation required)

KPUB will offer free blanket kits equipped with weather stripping and will host a drawing for a free Smart Nest Thermostat. Attendees will also receive complimentary refreshments.

“Our KPUB staff and community partners are excited to connect customers with available resources to help them save energy and money,” said Allison Bueché, KPUB’s Director of Customer & Community Relations.

AACOG’s Weatherization Assistance Program offers free funding for weatherization improvements for qualifying households. 

Eligible upgrades include insulation, new gas water heaters, space heaters, HVAC systems, window air conditioners, window repairs, and weather-stripping to prevent air leaks.

However, the program does not cover major home repairs, and the property must be structurally sound to qualify.

The program is open to both renters and homeowners and offers upgrades that can save money by making homes more energy-efficient.