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White House Details Recent Meeting Held by Task Force on AI Datacenter Infrastructure

The White House Task Force on AI Datacenter Infrastructure recently convened experts from power companies, grid operators, software companies, NGOs, and other stakeholders to explore how advanced computing and software solutions, including artificial intelligence, can accelerate grid integration of clean energy.

The meeting was held Oct. 29.

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, National Economic Advisor Lael Brainard, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy John Podesta, and National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi encouraged participants to invest in innovative solutions that further accelerate deployment and ensure we reliably meet our energy needs, keep electricity costs low, and achieve U.S. climate targets, a post on the White House website noted.

Participants discussed efforts underway to get more sources of supply on the grid by addressing the backlog of projects to power the grid currently waiting in “interconnection queues,” situations where additional computing solutions can make the biggest difference, and strategies on how to pursue those opportunities, the White House said.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Willie Phillips joined the convening and explained how stakeholders would benefit from the Commission’s July 2023 rule on interconnecting new generation resources.

The Department of Energy announced a forthcoming new program that will use AI to help clean energy project developers submit applications that grid operators can evaluate more quickly. DOE also highlighted an investment announced earlier this month to help transmission owners and grid operators replace fragmented data management systems with a standardized, cloud-based software solution that supports a faster interconnection process.

Moreover, participants discussed DOE initiatives unveiled earlier this year as part of its novel Interconnection Innovative e-Xchange, or i2X, program, highlighting roadmaps with recommended solutions to implement a simpler, faster, and fairer interconnection process and opportunities for stakeholders to get involved.

Applications for nearly 2,600 gigawatts of generation and battery storage capacity -- twice current U.S. generation capacity -- are waiting in interconnection queues to be connected to the grid.

“Accelerating the process by which grid operators study, determine, and approve needed grid upgrades to interconnect projects will enable clean energy to come online faster,” the White House said.

The White House launched the Task Force on AI Datacenter Infrastructure at a meeting in September.

At that meeting, the White House convened leaders from hyperscalers, artificial intelligence companies, datacenter operators, and utility companies “to discuss steps to ensure the United States continues to lead the world in AI.”


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