Powering Strong Communities

NERC Recommends Technically Prudent Additions to Bolster Transfer Capability

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation on Nov. 4 published the third in a series of three draft documents that will be merged into a final Interregional Transfer Capability Study, which is being produced in response to the congressional directive in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. 

The document provides an energy margin analysis and resulting recommendations for increases to the transfer capability between Transmission Planning Regions to improve energy adequacy during extreme weather events.

It also recommends how to meet and maintain transfer capability as enhanced by these technically prudent additions.

The complete ITCS will be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by December 2, 2024, and will be followed by a FERC public comment period.

A fourth document, a study of transfer capabilities and recommendations for prudent additions from the United States to Canada and between Canadian provinces, will be published in the first quarter of 2025.

More information about the ITCS, including scoping documents, updates and stakeholder engagement, can be found on NERC’s ITCS web page.

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