Powering Strong Communities
Bills and Rates

OUC Offers Amended Plan to Modernize Pricing Structures

Florida public power utility OUC recently proposed an amended version of PeakSHIFT, a multiyear plan to modernize OUC electric service pricing structures. The revised plan addresses community input about previously proposed changes to compensation for rooftop solar installations and new demand pricing.

The OUC Board of Commissioners was briefed on the revised plan during a November 5 Commission meeting, with a vote on the measure anticipated in December.

“Our goal is a modern pricing structure that meets today’s energy needs and keeps the grid reliable for future generations. As we move forward on our path to clean energy, OUC will continue to engage with stakeholders to ensure that our customers’ voices are heard, and their needs are met,” said Clint Bullock, OUC General Manager & CEO.

“With these revisions, approximately 80% of residential customers will see average monthly changes of a decrease or increase of $3. As always, we look forward to providing educational opportunities as we implement a multiyear plan to help customers shift their usage and keep their electricity bills low,” said Bullock.

At a June 13, 2024, public workshop, OUC unveiled the initial PeakSHIFT proposal and its four component programs:

  • SunChoice Solar: Relaunching OUC’s community solar program that enables customers an option to subscribe to solar-generated electricity.
  • Demand Level Pricing: Lowering per-kilowatt-hour price of electricity and adding a tiered fixed charge to rebalance costs and reflect the true cost of the electric grid.
  • TruNet Solar: Adjusting compensation for future rooftop solar to reflect industry changes.
  • Shift & Save: Introducing an industry-proven, time-of-day pricing plan to enable customers to save money by shifting electricity use to “off-peak” periods.

To solicit input on the PeakSHIFT proposal, over the past five months, OUC actively engaged with customers, community groups, governmental agencies, energy industry experts, environmental and renewable energy advocates, and other stakeholders.

Through numerous meetings and an online feedback form, available at OUCPeakSHIFT.com, all input was analyzed and integrated into an updated proposal that retains the original proposal objectives.

Below are some of the modifications:

TruNet Solar

Existing rooftop solar customers and solar interconnection applications received by June 30, 2025, will retain the current net metering rate at their existing premise for a 20- year grandfathering period. On July 1, 2025, and after, new rooftop solar customers will be credited for energy exported to the grid at the community solar farm rate for five years and at the retail fuel rate thereafter.

Demand Level Pricing

Beginning in early 2026, this revenue neutral change will include a lower, variable cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) and a new fixed price of $5, $10, or $15 per month based on each customer’s monthly (rather than annual) peak usage to provide a more precise gauge of customer power usage.

Here are details on two components that were not revised:

Shift & Save

Starting in early 2027, all customers will be enrolled in time-of-day pricing plan that enables them to save money by shifting electricity use into “off-peak” periods. Customers may opt out of program.

SunChoice Solar

Approved by the OUC Board of Commissioners and relaunched on October 1, 2024, this program enables all OUC customers with the option to subscribe to solar energy.

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