Powering Strong Communities

DEED Toolkit for Joint Action Agencies

This toolkit helps joint action agencies educate your member utilities about DEED benefits and encourage them to apply for grants, scholarships, and awards and access DEED resources.

We encourage you to implement the six ideas below to help your members learn how to best take advantage of DEED.

  1. Exhibit the DEED booth (tabletop display) at your conferences/events.
  2. Offer a DEED presentation at your conferences/events and we will arrange a speaker.
  3. Distribute DEED materials at your next conference.
  4. Run articles and ads about DEED in your newsletter and on your web site. This will remind your members about their DEED member benefits and upcoming deadlines. You may also inform them about interesting DEED projects and resources available to them.
  5. Link to DEED information from your website.
  6. Use the DEED logo, when appropriate, on your flyers, website, etc.

To request any of the items above please email DEED@PublicPower.org.