Learn about the latest in disaster response across the country.
Join the Mutual Aid Network
Join more than 2,000 organizations in the public power Mutual Aid Network, to get or give help to other utilities and coordinate with the authorities during widespread power outages. Put a disaster response plan in place. Learn how to coordinate with local, state, and federal government and navigate immediate and long-term assistance to recover and rebuild.
To join the Mutual Aid Network, complete the Mutual Aid Agreement and email it to the American Public Power Association at MutualAid@PublicPower.org. If you have already signed the agreement in the past and would like a copy, email us at MutualAid@PublicPower.org.
The Restoration Best Practices Guidebook is a collection of tips and practices for utilities and other entities involved in utility restoration operations and emergency management. Public power utilities either requesting or responding to mutual aid and joint action agencies, state and regional associations, and others working on restoration can download the guidebook to learn how to plan and participate in effective restoration operations.
The All-Hazards Guidebook walks public power utilities, joint action agencies, state associations, and other industry representatives through the five-step preparedness cycle to help in the development or continuous improvement of emergency preparedness programs and all-hazards planning efforts.
Members can download the public power Mutual Aid Playbook which provides a process for coordinating activities, information, and resources across a three-tiered national network without infringing on mutual aid agreements between utilities. The playbook is intentionally flexible and scalable to enable the successful coordination of mutual aid mobilizations for restoration events resulting from all hazards, including natural and man-made disasters and security or cybersecurity events that result in utility customer outages.
The Emergency Preparedness Tabletop Exercise in a Box is a free toolkit for members which provides opportunities to collaborate and find solutions to the inevitable, unexpected consequences of emergencies. This toolkit includes everything needed to conduct a tabletop exercise, including guidance on preparing for the exercise, facilitating the exercise, and conducting a post-exercise debrief.
The Public Power Storm Communications Guide offers tips to communicate effectively with all stakeholders before, during, and after a storm and includes template press releases, sample social media posts, and checklists.
The Incident Command System (ICS) Guide for Electric Utilities offers guidance on how your utility can adopt ICS.
A collection of infographics, tips, and other communications templates are available to download and use in explaining disaster response and recovery.
If you’re experiencing widespread disaster-related outages in your area, be sure to contact your state coordinator. If you’ve developed or updated a list of regional coordinators, please email it to us at MutualAid@PublicPower.org.
See which public power utilities are part of the Mutual Aid Network.
View a list of cooperatives in the Mutual Aid Network.
Mutual Aid Commendation Program
APPA's Mutual Aid Commendation Program recognizes utilities that have answered the call for assistance and aided another utility in restoring power to its customers. Please note, the awardee must be a public power entity with a signed mutual aid agreement. Apply online.
Mutual Aid Committee
Members of the American Public Power Association’s Transitional Mutual Aid Committee help to advance public power’s mutual aid program and establish disaster management best practices for large-scale events.