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Ann Arbor, Mich., Group Unveils Proposal for Public Power Utility Governance Structure

Ann Arbor for Public Power, a group that supports municipalization efforts in Ann Arbor, Mich., recently released a proposal for the utility governance structure should a public power utility be formed in the city.

The public power utility would be overseen by a nine-member board, five elected -- one each from the city’s five wards -- and four appointed by Ann Arbor’s mayor and approved by the City Council.

Under the proposed governance structure, the City Council would still have final say over the utility’s rates and its budget, as the City Charter requires.

“But the largely independent utility board would manage its own revenues and expenses, including legal matters, thus giving the utility operational freedom, while maintaining direct accountability to ratepayers and voters,” Ann Arbor for Public Power said.

The city is currently served by investor-owned DTE Energy.

For a copy of the A2P2 City Charter amendment proposal, click here.

Charter amendments must be approved by a majority of voters in a city-wide referendum.

Ann Arbor for Public Power on Jan. 17 released a proposal for a phase two municipalization feasibility study.

APPA offers a variety of resources on its website related to municipalization.

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