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APPA Cyber Security Team Attends Grid Security Conference

The American Public Power Association’s cyber security team recently attended the 13th annual grid security conference GridSecCon 2024 to learn about the latest threats to the grid, technology as an enabler, and how best to ensure security remains front of mind for the power sector.

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation, the Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center and the Midwest Reliability Organization co-hosted GridSecCon 2024, on October 22 - 25 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The following APPA cyber security team members attended the event:

  • Adrienne Lotto, Senior Vice President, Grid Security, Technical and Operations;
  • Michael Coe, Vice President, Security, Resilience, and Energy Solutions
  • Adrian McNamara, Cyber Security Program Manager
  • Matt Whiting, Security Programs Specialist
  • Chris Ching, Cybersecurity Specialist

At the event, Coe spoke about the importance of resilience against all threats and hazards.

“Attending events such as GridSecCon allows APPA staff to learn about the latest cyber security threats and the most effective strategies for defending against those threats,” Lotto said.

“The cyber security threat environment is constantly evolving so GridSecCon is a great way for APPA staff to stay up to date on cyber security threats and make APPA members aware of those threats and how best to mitigate against those threats.”

NERC on Oct. 25 noted that cyber and physical security, AI and emerging technology, and GridEx were the key topics at the GridSecCon event.

Approximately 700 security experts representing a cross-section of industry and government partners from across North America attended the three-day conference.

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