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APPA President and CEO Scott Corwin Joins Board of Center for Energy Workforce Development

Scott Corwin, President and CEO of the American Public Power Association, has joined the Board of Directors for the Center for Energy Workforce Development.

The CEWD is a national, non-profit intermediary that unites employers, labor, educators, non-profits and associations, community-based organizations, workforce systems and other stakeholders “to prioritize solutions that will ensure the industry is people-ready for the energy transition,” it notes on its website.

Formed in 2006, CEWD is now supported by more than 140 energy companies.

Additionally, the Center serves as the workforce development partner for AESP, American Gas Association, American Public Gas Association, APPA, Distribution Contractors Association, Edison Electric Institute, Electric Power Research Institute, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and Nuclear Energy Institute.

Also joining the CEWD Board is Dan Brouilette, the Edison Electric Institute’s President and CEO.

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