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APPA Seeks Nominations for Openings on RP3 Review Panel

The American Public Power Association is seeking nominations to fill positions on the Reliable Public Power Provider Program Review Panel.

Specifically, APPA is seeking nominations for a System Improvement Representative and a Small System Representative on the panel.

To nominate yourself or someone for the positions, a nomination form needs to be completed by Monday, January 20, 2025. (Nomination form -System Improvement Representative and Nomination form - Small System Representative).

The RP3 program is public power’s leading practices evaluation and review for utilities based on four criteria – reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement.

The RP3 Review Panel guides APPA staff in implementation of the RP3 program and provides expert peer review of public power utilities’ applications for RP3 designation.

Position requirements are as follows for the positions:

System Improvement Representative: Any APPA member utility, joint action agency, or state/regional association with a deep understanding of work system improvement at public power utilities is eligible for this position. Familiarity with research and development programs, demand-side management, conference networking, system maintenance and betterment, system losses, and system planning is essential.

Small System Representative: Any APPA member utility with less than 5,000 customers. General understanding of reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement is required.

Preference will be given to individuals who are in APPA Regions 1, 6, and 10 (Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Nevada, and US Territories) and who have not yet served on the RP3 Panel.

Each member of the panel can serve for up to three two-year terms (for a total of six years), and is expected to attend three meetings per year, one in the spring and two in the winter.

The appointed member’s first term will begin after the Business meeting during APPA’s 2025 Engineering & Operations Conference and expire after two years in 2027 (at the Business meeting of that year). More information on the RP3 program is available on the RP3 webpage. Please direct any questions to APPA’s RP3 Staff at RP3@PublicPower.org

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