Powering Strong Communities
Distributed Energy Resources

California CCA MCE Enters Solar Energy, Battery Storage Development MOU

California community choice aggregator MCE has agreed to work with Golden State Clean Energy toward building solar plus battery storage resources in Fresno County, Calif.

The master-planned development program known as the Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan aims to repurpose up to 130,000 acres of drainage-impaired or water-challenged lands within Westlands Water District in Fresno County to develop transmission infrastructure, solar generation, and storage.

At full buildout the plan will include up to 20,000 megawatts of solar and 20,000 megawatts of energy storage, potentially providing up to one-sixth of California’s electricity requirements in 2035.

MCE has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with GSCE for up to 400 megawatts each of solar and battery storage.

MCE anticipates the project could provide MCE with:

  • 200-400 megawatts of solar
  • 200-400 megawatts of 4- or 8-hour battery storage
  • 100% renewable energy and the associated resource adequacy

The project will help MCE meet existing mid-term and long-term procurement needs with a goal of being commercially operable between 2028–2030.

The MOU allows MCE to consider the option to build the project directly or to purchase the resources through a Power Purchase Agreement.

MCE’s potential portion of the project will generate enough electricity to power over 160,000 homes each year.

Additional details about GSCE are available on its website.

The American Public Power Association has initiated a new category of membership for community choice aggregation programs.