The California Independent System Operator recently filed the necessary proposed tariff changes with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission related to the development of an extended day-ahead market for California and the West.
The FERC filing addresses two separate but closely related initiatives -- rules for a day-ahead market platform that could extend across the West, and proposed rule changes to the ISO’s current day-ahead market that serves approximately 80 percent of California and a small portion of Nevada.
Among other things, these rules propose a day-ahead market feature “that further commits much needed flexible energy supply to efficiently and reliably address changes that occur between day-ahead and real-time market conditions,” CAISO said.
“The proposed tariff changes will expand access to wholesale energy markets in the West, with participants being able to realize lower costs to ratepayers from balancing the most efficient supply across a broader geographic footprint,” it said.
The tariff changes would also increase reliability benefits from greater situational awareness and advance the integration of clean energy resources by allowing participants to share surplus carbon-free power across a diverse Western footprint, according to CAISO.
The ISO has requested a FERC order on the proposals by December 21, 2023.